
Karainagar Sivan Temple

Karainagar Sivan Temple is a popular Hindu temple which is situated in Karainagar in the Jaffna peninsula.

Distance from Jaffna – 23.1 km (44 minutes)

Karainagar Sivan Temple is a popular Hindu temple which is situated in Karainagar in the Jaffna peninsula. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Karainagar is famous for its shallow water beaches along with this ancient Shiva temple. Karainagar Sivan Temple is also known as Eezhathu Chidambaram in Tamil. It is visited by Lord Shiva worshipers from the surrounding area and across the island.

Getting to Karainagar Sivan Temple

From Jaffna travel along the Jaffna-Ponnalai-Point Pedro Road up to Karainagar and turn to Sivan Kovil Outer Circular Road to reach the Karainagar Sivan Temple.

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