
Waulpane Ella Falls

Waulpane Ella Falls is situated in the Ratnapura district.

Distance from Belihuloya – 66 km (2 hours 9 minutes)

Waulpane Ella Falls is situated in the Ratnapura district. It is 45 meters in height and is an internal waterfall situated inside a prehistoric limestone cave named Waulpane Cave. Waulpane Cave is 135 meters in length and there are bats living inside. Located at the center of the cave, the Waulpane Ella Falls is the tallest internal waterfall in Sri Lanka.

Getting to Waulpane Ella Falls

From Belihuloya travel along the Colombo – Batticaloa Highway and turn left at Ranwala Junction onto the Pelmadulla – Embilipitiya Highway, passing Aluthnuwara, Balangoda, Kahatapitiya, Weligepola and Pallebedda to reach the Waulpane Cave where the Waulpane Ella Falls is situated.

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