Nuwara Eliya

Single Tree Hill

Single Tree Hill, also known as "One Tree Hill", is situated along Single Tree Hill Road in Nuwara Eliya.

Distance from Nuwara Eliya – 5.5 km (14 minutes)

Single Tree Hill, also known as “One Tree Hill”, is situated along Single Tree Hill Road in Nuwara Eliya. Standing at a height of 2100 m, it is recognized as the 10th highest mountain in Sri Lanka. The mountain is named as “Single Tree” because there is one tree at its summit. The mountain peak gives amazing views of the surrounding landscape. Some of the mountains visible from the summit of Single Tree Hill include the Piduruthalagala Mountain, Hakgala Mountain and Sri Pada Holy Mountain. The hike to Single Tree Hill ranges from easy to medium difficulty level and takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Getting to Single Tree Hill

From Nuwara Eliya travel approximately 3.1 km along the Peradeniya-Badulla-Chenkaladi Highway and turn to Single Tree Hill Road to reach the Single Tree Hill which is situated in Nuwara Eliya.

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