
Pallan Hela

Pallan Hela is a mountain that stands tall over the Gal Oya basin in Inginiyagala in Ampara district.

Distance from Ampara – 23 km (37 minutes)

Pallan Hela is a mountain that stands tall over the Gal Oya basin in Inginiyagala in Ampara district. It stands at a height of 1065 feet and is believed to be a fortress of King Saddatissa who was the brother of King Dutugemunu. Some believe that it used to be a forest hermitage sheltering the meditating Buddhist monks.

Today, this place holds a small stupa which seems to be standing on the ruins of a much larger stupa. The drip-ledged caves at the foot of the mountain are proof that the place has served as a forest hermitage. However, trekking through a narrow rock corridor sometimes bounded by rock walls thought to be constructed by King Saddatissa for the defence of his fortress, proves that the king himself has used it at some point.

Getting to Pallan Hela

From Ampara travel along the Ampara – Inginiyagala Road passing Polwatta up to Inginiyagala to reach the Pallan Hela which is situated over the Gal Oya basin in Inginiyagala.

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