Nuwara Eliya

Mahakandura Ella Falls

Mahakandura Ella Fall is situated in Padiyapelella of the Nuwara Eliya district.

Distance from Nuwara Eliya – 40 km (1 hour 31 minutes)

Mahakandura Ella Fall is situated in Padiyapelella of the Nuwara Eliya district. It stands at a height of 120 meters and falls over several cascades into the depths of its base pool. The waters of the fall spread over the rocks like a big piece of white tulle during the rainy season.

Getting to Mahakandura Ella Fall

From Nuwara Eliya travel along the Nuwara Eliya-Udapussellawa Road passing Kandapola and Mathurata up to Padiyapelella to reach the Mahakandura Ella Fall in Padiyapelella.

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