Nuwara Eliya


Indikatupana is located in Sri Pada (Adam's Peak) Mountain which is situated bordering the Ratnapura and Nuwara Eliya districts.

Distance from Nuwara Eliya – 71.9 km (2 hours 25 minutes)

Indikatupana is located in Sri Pada (Adam’s Peak) Mountain which is situated bordering the Ratnapura and Nuwara Eliya districts. It is a tradition of first time hikers of Sri Pada to hang a needle and white thread at this location. Also known as Geththampana, the needles and threads are there for those who need it in case they encounter thorny bushes on their way up and need to stitch their clothes. It is believed to be the place where Lord Buddha stitched a tear on his sacred yellow robe on his way up the mountain. Doing this task is also believed to adorn blessings for a safe journey up the mountain.

Getting to Indikatupana

From Nuwara Eliya travel along the Avissawella – Hatton – Nuwara Eliya Highway and the Hatton – Maskeliya – Dalhousie Road passing Nanuoya, Hatton and Dickoya up to Maskeliya. Then travel along the Sri Pada Road up to Nallathanniya to reach the Sri Pada Mountain where the Indikatupana is located.

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