
Gona Watuna Ella

Gona Watuna Ella is situated in Badulla.

Distance from Ella – 51.6 km (1 hour 58 minutes)

Gona Watuna Ella is situated in Badulla. It is also known as “Milla Ella” due to being hidden deep in the forest where the “Milla Bedda Pirivena” Buddhist temple is located. A local guide is required to reach the waterfall as the route through the jungle is not easy. The waterfall cascades from the Milla Oya and has a base pool which is approximately 60 feet in depth.

Getting to Gona Watuna Ella

From Ella travel along the Ella – Passara Road, Peradeniya – Badulla – Chenkaladi Highway and Peessa Waterfall Road passing Balleketuwa, Namunukula and Passara up to Badulla to reach the Gona Watuna Ella which is situated in Badulla.

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