Nuwara Eliya

Elgin Falls

Elgin Falls is situated on a tributary of the Dambagastalawa River in Nuwara Eliya.

Distance from Kandy – 27.7 km (1 hour)

Elgin Falls is situated on a tributary of the Dambagastalawa River in the Nuwara Eliya district. It stands at a height of approximately 25 m. The waterfall, which joins the Mahaweli River, is surrounding by a beautiful environment consisting of mee (Madhucca Longifolia) trees. This gives it the name Meewanagolla or Mee Tree Jungle. Reaching the waterfall requires a short trek through the pathway bordered by lush forestland. The waterfall is located at an altitude of 1500 m.

Getting to Elgin Falls

From Nuwara Eliya travel approximately 27.7 km along the Peradeniya – Badulla – Chenkaladi Highway and the Radella Shortcut Road passing Nanu Oya to reach the Elgin Falls which is situated in the Nuwara Eliya district.

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