Nuwara Eliya

Conical Hill

Conical Hill is a mountain which is situated in the Nuwara Eliya district.

Distance from Nuwara Eliya – 6.6 km (19 minutes)

Conical Hill is a mountain which is situated in the Nuwara Eliya district. It is 2166 m high and is the 9th highest mountain in Sri Lanka. The mountain is surrounded by a forest reserve which has a wide variety of animals such as leopard, wild boar and sambar etc. It is medium – difficult hike which takes 2 – 3 hours to complete. The Hakgala Mountain is visible from the top of the Conical Hill.

Getting to Conical Hill

From Nuwara Eliya travel along the Blackpool – Magasthota Road and the Blackpool-Ambewela-Pattipola-Horton Plain Road passing Meepilimana village to reach the Conical Hill in Nuwara Eliya.

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