
Aradunu Ella

Aradunu Ella is situated in Passara in the Badulla district.

Distance from Ella – 34.3 km (1 hour 29 minutes)

Aradunu Ella is situated in Passara in the Badulla district. It is 30 meters in height and gets its name due to its bow shape. According to folklore, King Walagamba took refuge in a cave near the falls to escape from South Indian invaders. The fall begins from the Namunukula mountain range. It is also believed that there is a tunnel to the rear of the fall that leads up to a Buddhist temple named Passara Raja Maha Viharaya. Aradunu Ella flows through an abandoned savannah grassland that is currently being used for agriculture.

Aradunu Ella is located in the northern parts of the Passara area in a private tea estate named “Elteb Tea Estate”. There is a small walk to reach the fall after which you will come to the hydro-power plant connected to the fall. Due to this reason the fall can only be visited during the dry seasons, when the turbines are inactive.


Getting to Aradunu Ella

From Ella take the Ella – Passara Road and go past Balleketuwa up until you reach Passara. Travel about 300 meters east from the Passara bus station. Right before the fork, take a sharp turn to the left onto the Passara – Madulsima – Metigahatenna Road. Go about 4 km down this road until you reach Aradunu Falls.

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