
Wedda Peni Ella

Wedda Peni Ella is situated in Pitawala in the Matale district.

Distance from Matale – 39.4 km (1 hour 49 minutes)

Wedda Peni Ella is situated in Pitawala in the Matale district. It stands at a height of 3 meters. The waterfall is is served by the Thelgamu Oya which starts its journey from the Kirigalpoththa Mountain and flows through the Atanwala village. Wedda Peni Ella is said to have been inhabited by the aboriginals or ‘weddas’. Locals believe that the wedda chieftain slipped and fell to his death here which gives the waterfall its name “Wedda Peni Ella”.

Getting to Wedda Peni Ella

From Matale take the Matale – Illukkumbura – Pallegama – Giradurukotte Road and go past Thotagamuwa, Rattota and Laggala up to Pitawala. Travel along the Riverston Road to reach the Wedda Peni Ella in Pitawala.

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