
Stilt Fishing

Stilt Fishing is a form of fishing done by the fishermen and mostly seen in the Southern coast of Sri Lanka.

Distance from Hikkaduwa – 1.4 km (5 minutes)

Stilt Fishing is a form of fishing done by the fishermen and mostly seen in the Southern coast of Sri Lanka. It makes use of a vertical wooden rod planted on to the sea floor in the shallow part. The fishermen stand on a horizontal bar in the rod in which position it causes minimum shadows on the water hence making little to no disturbance among the sea life. This makes it easier to catch fish and put them in bag tied to the pole or to their waist. Tourists can give this activity a try especially in the Hikkaduwa beach. It is by no means easy to balance one’s self on this rod and is a picturesque sigh to see the fishermen doing this activity especially against the horizon at dawn and dusk.

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