
Sinha Pokuna

Sinha Pokuna is situated in Mihintale, Anuradhapura.

Distance from Anuradhapura – 18.2 km (31 minutes)

Sinha Pokuna is situated in Mihintale, Anuradhapura. It bears sign for one of the earliest hydraulic civilizations of the Sinhalese kingdom. The Sinha Pokuna is one of the three remaining ponds and waterways which exist up-to-date in the area. Although it is named as “pond” it is much more of a water rail. It is named as “Sinha Pokuna” because of the figure of a lion carved onto rock just above the pond, from whose mouth the water falls from. It is believed to have an open air bath possibly used by the monks who lived in the caves nearby. The lion carving here is believed to be one of the finest animal carvings in ancient Sri Lanka.

Getting to Sinha Pokuna

From Anuradhapura travel along the Puttalam – Anuradhapura – Trincomalee Highway and the Kandy – Jaffna Highway up to Mihintale to reach the Sinha Pokuna which is situated in Mihintale.

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