
Red Coral Kitesurfing School

Red Coral Kitesurfing School is situated in Kandakuliya, Kudawa in Kalpitiya.

Distance from Kalpitiya – 6.6 km (14 minutes)

Red Coral Kitesurfing School is situated in Kandakuliya, Kudawa in Kalpitiya. The school conducts beginner courses up to advanced coaching all done by its team consisting of professional and certified instructors. The school conducts in lessons during the two kitesurfing seasons; May to October and December to March.

Getting to Red Coral Kitesurfing School

From Kalpitiya travel along the Palavi-Kalpitiya Road up to Kudawa to reach the Coral Kitesurfing School situated in Kandakuliya, Kudawa in Kalpitiya.

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