
Ramba Rajamaha Viharaya

Ramba Rajamaha Viharaya is situated in Ambalantota in the Hambantota district.

Distance from Tangalle – 32.3 km (39 minutes)

Ramba Rajamaha Viharaya is situated in Ambalantota in the Hambantota district. It is an important archaeological site and a living monastery. It was a significant temple of Maha Nagakula City, which was the capital of ancient Lanka in the 11th century AD. This was the time when the city of Anuradhapura was ruled by the Cholas who came from India. Ramba Rajamaha Viharaya is known to be the hide-out of King Vijayabahu I, who arrived in Lanka in the year 105 and planned his war against the Cholas for 15 years. A large number of artifacts have been identified from excavations done in this location.

Getting to Ramba Rajamaha Viharaya

From Tangalle travel along the Colombo – Galle – Hambantota – Wellawaya Highway, Ranna – Ebilipitiya Road, Angunakolapessa Road and Embilipitiya – Nonagama Highway passing Netolpitiya, Ranna and Angunukolapelessa to reach the Ramba Rajamaha Viharaya which is situated in Ambalantota in the Hambantota district.

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