
Pankuliya Asokaramaya

Pankuliya Asokaramaya is situated in the village of Pankuliya in Anuradhapura.

Distance from Anuradhapura – 11.5 km (21 minutes)

Pankuliya Asokaramaya is situated in the village of Pankuliya in Anuradhapura. Asokaramaya has one of the best and finely carved Buddha statues in Sri Lanka, which is known to be as good in quality as the popular Samadhi Buddha Statue and Toluvila Statue. The statue made of dolomite is believed to belong to the period ranging from 9th to 10th century. It stands at a height of 2m. Apart from the Buddha statue, this offbeat location consists of ruins of a building with guard stones.

Getting to Pankuliya Asokaramaya

From Anuradhapura travel along the Puttalam – Anuradhapura – Trincomalee Highway, Watawanda Road and Sangamiththa Mawatha to reach the Pankuliya Asokaramaya which is situated along Asokaramaya Road in the village of Pankuliya in Anuradhapura.

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