
Palavi Tank

Palavi Tank is situated in Thiruketheeswaram, Mannar.

Distance from Mannar – 10.4 km (13 minutes)

Palavi Tank is situated in Thiruketheeswaram, Mannar. It is located near the popular Hindu temple, Thiruketheeswaram Kovil. The Palavi Tank is prospered by the Palavi river and the Hindu devotees consider it to be very sacred. The Hindus conduct rituals for their ancestors at this location. The tank plays a major role at the annual festival held at the Thiruketheeswaram Kovil.

Getting to Palavi Tank

From Mannar travel along the Medawachchiya-Talaimannar Highway and the Navathkuli – Karativu – Mannar Highway up to Thiruketheeswaram to reach the Palavi Tank which is situated in Thiruketheeswaram, Mannar.

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