
Nawimana Girikandararama Purana Viharaya

Nawimana Girikandararama Purana Viharaya is a Buddhist temple situated in Matara.

Distance from Mirissa – 16.3 km (29 minutes)

Nawimana Girikandararama Purana Viharaya is a Buddhist temple situated in Matara. This Buddhist temple is situated in a very calm and peaceful environment. This historical temple is visited by many devotees from the surrounding areas. It also conducts a number of religious festivities annually for which many of the devotees gather.

Getting to Nawimana Girikandararama Purana Viharaya

From Mirissa travel approximately 16.3 km along the Matara Road passing Weligama up to Matara to reach the Nawimana Girikandararama Purana Viharaya.

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