
Nachchaduwa Wewa

Nachchaduwa Wewa is a reservoir which is situated in Anuradhapura.

Distance from Anuradhapura – 25.2 km (33 minutes)

Nachchaduwa Wewa is a reservoir which is situated in Anuradhapura. It is believed to be one of the sixteen large reservoirs built by King Mahasen who reigned the Anuradhapura kingdom from 277 to 304 BC. It is said that the king built Nachchaduwa Wewa to supply ample water to Anuradhapura and to protect the city from floods. King Datusena built a canal named Yodha Ela to bring water to Nachchaduwa Wewa from Kala Wewa.

Getting to Nachchaduwa Wewa

From Anuradhapura travel along the Galkulama – Anuradhapura Road and the Kandy – Jaffna Highway up to Galkulama to reach the Nachchaduwa Wewa.

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