Arugam Bay

Kumana National Park

Kumana National Park is situated in Ampara district.

Distance from Arugam Bay – 12 km (17 minutes)

Introduction to Kumana National Park

Kumana National Park is situated in Ampara district. The main gate of is in Panama while the park is also close to
Hambantota. It was known as Yala East National Park until 5 September, 2006, as it is contiguous with Yala National Park. The park went through challenging times when it was closed to the public from 1985 to March 2003 due to the civil war. It was also affected by the Tsunami disaster that hit the nation in 2004.

Landscape, flora, and fauna of Kumana National Park

The park spreads over an area of 35,664 hectares. It consists “Kumana Villu”, a 200 hectare mangrove swamp that is subject to occasional inundation with sea water. Kumana National Park is renowned for its large flocks of migratory waterfowls and wading birds. Apart from birds, the park also has mammals, including leopards, wild boar, golden jackal, European otter, and fishing cat.

Getting to Kumana National Park

From Arugam Bay travel approximately 12 km along the Panama Road to reach the Kumana National Park.

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