
Kotaganga Ella Falls

Kotaganga Ella Falls is situated along Kukuloya Road in the Kandy district.

Distance from Kandy – 44.5 km (1 hour 50 minutes)

Kotaganga Ella Falls is situated along Kukuloya Road in the Kandy district. It consists of a cluster of cascading waterfalls originating from the Knuckles mountain range. There are seven major segments to this cluster and the total height is over 100 m. The waterfall is located inside the jungle and is a difficult hike which requires the assistance of an experienced guide who knows the place well. The hike is an uphill climb of approximately 3.5 km.

Getting to Kotaganga Ella Falls

From Kandy travel approximately 44.5 km along Sirimalwatta – Amunugama – Madawala Road and Kukuloya Road to reach the Kotaganga Ella Falls which is situated along Kukuloya Road in the Kandy district.

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