
Kayman’s Gate

Kayman's Gate is situated along 4th Cross Street in Pettah, Colombo 01.

Distance from Colombo – 3.5 km (8 minutes)

Kayman’s Gate is situated along 4th Cross Street in Pettah, Colombo 01. It used to be the entrance to the Colombo Fort and is located at the foot of the Wolvendaal Hill. A bell tower stands up to day at the intersection of 4th Cross Street and Main Street of Pettah. Kayman’s Gate dates back to the 16th century when the Portuguese ruled Sri Lanka.

Getting to Kayman’s Gate

From Colombo travel approximately 1.8 km along McCallum Road towards Kovil Veediya to reach the Kayman’s Gate which is situated along 4th Cross Street in Pettah, Colombo 01.

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