
Kalpitiya Budhu Pilimaya

Kalpitiya Budhu Pilimaya is situated at the end of the Palavi-Kalpitiya Road in Kalpitiya.

Distance from Kalpitiya – 1.7 km (8 minutes)

Kalpitiya Budhu Pilimaya (Kalpitiya Buddha Statue) is situated at the end of the Palavi-Kalpitiya Road in Kalpitiya. It is located adjacent to the Kalpitiya naval base and is a popular site where the Sri Lanka navy personnel pay home to the Lord Buddha and conduct various religious activities. The site also gives amazing views of the Kalpitiya town. It is a recently built Buddha statue which was completed in August 2017.

Getting to Kalpitiya Budhu Pilimaya

From Kalpitiya travel along the Palavi-Kalpitiya Road to reach the Kalpitiya Budhu Pilimaya which is situated at the end of this road.

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