

Kalabokka 360 Degree Viewpoint is situated in Panwila in the Matale district.

Distance from Matale – 29.8 km (1 hour 26 minutes)

Kalabokka 360 Degree Viewpoint is situated in Panwila in the Matale district. It is located at a height of 1175 m and has becoming a trending location with an amazing viewpoint. It is located at the border of the Matale and Kandy districts. The central highlands, Kandy city, Sembuwatte Lake and Knuckles Mountain Range can be viewed from this location on a clear day. This location is also popular as a camping site and there are 2 bungalows available for guests who come to visit the place. These bungalows should be booked early to avoid disappointment.

Getting to Kalabokka

From Matale travel approximately 2.4 km along the Kandy Road and turn to Madulkelle – Kabaragala – Kandenuwara Road. Travel approximately 27.4 km along this route to reach the Kalabokka 360 Degree Viewpoint.

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