
Kadugannawa Ambalama

Kadugannawa Ambalama is a wayside rest which is situated along the Colombo - Kandy Road, a few meters before the Kadugannawa pass.

Distance from Kandy – 17.8 km (35 minutes)

Kadugannawa Ambalama is a wayside rest which is situated along the Colombo – Kandy Road, a few meters before the Kadugannawa pass. Built during the British colonial rule in the early 19th century, the ambalama is a famous stopover for horsemen and merchants traveling towards ancient hill capital of Kandy from various other parts of the country. The structure of the ambalama represents the Kandyan architecture and is designated as an archaeological protected monument.

Getting to Kadugannawa Ambalama

From Kandy travel along the Colombo – Kandy Road passing Peradeniya, Pilimathalawa and Henawala up to Kadugannawa to reach the Kadugannawa Ambalama situated a few meters before the Kadugannawa pass.

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