
Hoods Tower Museum

Hoods Tower Museum is a naval museum situated in Trincomalee.

Distance from Trinco – 7.6 km (18 minutes)

Hoods Tower Museum is a naval museum situated in Trincomalee. This military museum belongs to the Sri Lanka Navy and is located at Ostenburg, in the Trincomalee peninsula on a high ridge overlooking the entrance to the inner harbor of Trincomalee. The naval museum gets its name “Hoods Tower Museum” because of an observation tower which is named after the Commander of the East Indies Station, Vice-Admiral Sir Samuel Hood. The museum houses a collection of weapons, equipment and various weapon systems used by the Sri Lanka Navy.

Getting to Hoods Tower Museum

From Trinco take the Kandy Road up until you reach Customs Road. Go down this route and then turn to Kanthasamy Kovil Road. Go along this route and turn to Dockyard Road where you can find the Hoods Tower Museum.

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