
Goraka Ella Falls

Goraka Ella Falls are situated in the Kegalle district.

Distance from Colombo – 55.1 km (1 hour 43 minutes)

Goraka Ella Falls are situated in the Kegalle district. It is 60 meters in height and cascades over a number of rocky surfaces before falling down to the pool below. The pool is suitable for bathing even for the young.

Goraka Ella Falls are situated on the Talduwa – Meewitigammana Road, just about 600 km away from the main road. The water on this stream is made use for or cultivation and hydro-power upstream. This reduces the water levels quite significantly during dry season.

Getting to Goraka Ella Falls

From Colombo take the Colombo – Kandy Road and go past Kiribathgoda, Gampaha, Urapola up until you reach Amithirigala. Go down the Talduwa – Meewitigammana Road where you can find the Goraka Ella Falls.


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