Arugam Bay

Bowaththegala Buddhist Monastery Ruins

Bowaththegala Buddhist Monastery Ruins is situated in Kumana.

Distance from Arugam Bay – 46.8 km (2 hours)

Bowaththegala Buddhist Monastery Ruins is situated in Kumana. Bowattegala is a rock strewn mountain located in the middle of Kumana National Park. It was first used as a monastery in 3rd century BC by the ten noble brothers of Kataragama, known as the ‘Kataragama-kshathriya’. The hills consist of caves with drip ledges that contain Brahmi inscriptions indicating that this has been a large monastery in the ancient times.

Getting to Bowaththegala Buddhist Monastery Ruins

From Arugam Bay travel along Panama Road passing Panama and Okanda to reach Bowaththegala Buddhist Monastery Ruins which is situated in Kumana.

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