
Bopagama Ella

Bopagama Ella is situated in the Kandalanda Estate in the Gampaha district.

Distance from Colombo – 47.9 km (1 hour 35 minutes)

Bopagama Ella is situated in the Kandalanda Estate in the Gampaha district. It is 4 meters high and is also known as “Alagiyawanna Ella Fall”. The meaning of the name of this fall is ”beautifully colored” as it gives out multicolored rays of light when the water reflects the greenery around it.

Bopagama Ella is fed from the aquifers located in Kandalanda Estate nearby and the stream is joined by Nagas canal. The waterfall overflows with water during the monsoon season and the locals come to catch fish in the streams which become rich with a a variety of freshwater fish. The flow of the fall goes through Attanagalu Lake through the agricultural lands. The waterfall is a popular spot of bathing for locals of the area.


Getting to Bopagama Ella

From Colombo take the Colombo Kandy Road and turn right at Nittambuwa junction. Go past Watupitiwala, Attauagalla, Urapola and towards Hanwella until you meet the Meewitigama junction. Turning here, travel 1.5 km towards Amitirigala and reach Bopagama Temple. Bopagama Ella is 1 km away from here.

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