
Andahelena Ella Waterfall

Andahelena Ella Waterfall is situated in Elipitiya town of Galle.

Distance from Galle – 45.3 km (57 minutes)

Andahelena Ella Waterfall is situated in Elipitiya town of Galle. It is 12 meters high and is located inside the jungle named Beraliya Mukalana (Beraliya Jungle). Vehicles cannot be taken close to the waterfall, so the final part of the journey should be completed on foot. The beauty of Andahelena Ella is best viewed and appreciated from close range which makes the difficult approach well worth the trouble.

A picturesque pool is formed at the top of the waterfall before the water cascades downwards. A canopy is formed in the surrounding area of the waterfall which consists of Kaluwara, Bakmee, Telkekuna, Wanasapu, Venivel, Ehela, Teak, Ankenda and Bata Domba trees.

Getting to Andahelena Ella

From Galle take the Southern Expressway and exit from Kurundugahahetekma and take the Galle – Elpitiya Road. From Elpitiya, take the Pituwala – Kahaduwa Road and travel about 5 km down this road to reach Andahelena Ella Waterfall.


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