
Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary

Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary is situated along the Puttalam - Colombo Road in Puttalam.

Distance from Kalpitiya – 73.4 km (1 hour 27 minutes)

Introduction to Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary

Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary is situated along the Puttalam – Colombo Road in Puttalam. The unique feature of this place is that it is located close to three different kinds of ecosystems. These ecosystems are the coastal area, the freshwater lakes and mangroves. This makes it one among the six RAMSAR wetlands in Sri Lanka. It is this natural environment which has made it an ideal setting for nesting and breeding of a wide variety of bird species.

Birds and Animals at Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary

Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary consists of many species of birds including Open-bill, Heron, Egret, Stalk, White ibis and Great cormorant etc. Apart from birds the sanctuary also has a total of 20 species of mammals which includes the Fishing cat, Rusty spotted cat, Indian Otter and Toque monkey and 74 species of butterflies. The best season to visit the bird sanctuary is from October to April which is when the migrant birds can be sighted. However most of the resident birds and endemic birds can be sighted all throughout the year at the Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary.

Getting to Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary

From Kalpitiya travel along the Palavi-Kalpitiya Road and Puttalam – Colombo Road passing Etalai, Norochcholai and Udappu up to Puttalam to reach the Anawilundawa Bird Sanctuary.

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